
An Anniversary.

Thanks to some fabulous friends and family, we were able to have the best anniversary weekend we could have ever dreamed of...kids-free. It's been a long time since we have been able to spend just a few hours with each other without interruptions for diaper-changes or temper tantrums, let alone a whole night or an entire day. We are so grateful and appreciative of the people who made this weekend possible. I feel so blessed. and loved. 

Marriage hasn't and won't always be easy...but with my man, it's always going to be worth it. Every hardship and speedbump. Every time I'm in need of a pick-me-up, he knows how to cheer me up and make me smile. He knows exactly what I need every time it counts. So to my one-and-only, the love of my life, and my better half:  Thank you for always being by my side, supporting me, loving me. I love you more than life.
